
Sunday, September 29, 2013

besties for life.

True friends
Someone asked me once why I am best friends with her. "You guys are so different. And you already have so many friends."
    because she needs me. and i need her.
Ever since we were kids, we've been friends. We stuck together constantly. I remember once, I was in the house, and she was outside. Her mom saw me -- alone -- and asked me where my sidekick was. Because it was always me and her together.
Why is she my bestie?
Because she understands. She can relate. We are pretty different, but we have so much the same. Our personalities are a lot the same. So we understand each other in a  lot of situations.
And when she can't relate, she still listens. And gives me advice when I need it, and cries with me when I cry. And screams with me. And dreams with me.
Friendship is about acceptinjg each other. We don't always agree. We are different. But we still accept each other for who God made us.
Two are better than one.
And I love it because I can be so crazy around her. I don't really care how stupid I act around her, because she's my best friend, and others' opinions don't matter.
Friends equally give and take. She gives me my space. I give her space. She accepts my faults. I'm ok with her differences.
And we help build each other up.
I love her for her shrieks of laughter. I love her perseverance. I love how she believe in who I am, and who I can become. I appreciate how she takes life seriously. I love being absolutely crazy with her.
I love her so much, and I love to spend time with her, because I need my BFF.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Who God Is

This morning in church, I heard a message I really needed to hear. The preacher got some of his ideas from A.W. Tozer's book Knowledge of the Holy. I just finished reading that book, so I could really relate to the sermon. He asked a bunch of questions and covered a bunch of thoughts that I had come across while reading the book.
He talked about two things -- God's self-sufficiency, and God's eternity.
God has no origin. God is the only being/thing that was not created and has no beginning.
He is also eternal. As far as He has been in the past, He will be in the future. He lives in the present, but He can see into the past or the future just as well.
Isaiah, in Isaiah 6, saw the being of God, and he became aware of a need in his life. A need for holiness and truth. Just like Isaiah, when we see God, we become aware of needs in our lives. Seeing God will always bring a response -- either good or bad.
"What we think of when we think about God is the most important thing about us." --Tozer
Not what we say when someone asks us. But what we really think about God. Whether we don't think, or we think about His love and mercy, or if we think in complete adoration. It defines us. 

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

this cruel world

 This life is so full of hurt. Life is hard. People get hurt. Circumstances kill. Right now I know a few people who are dying of cancer. This morning, I attended a funeral of a victim of cancer. It was so sad. Funerals all are, I guess. Cancer is so ugly. I know, from experience. We don't know what to expect. We don't know when things are going to happen. We have no idea when another spasm of pain is going to come on. It's so hard, living like this. Knowing that at any moment, things could change.
And it's not only cancer. Some people are hurting from rejection, anger, hate, and so, so much more. This life is cruel. Society is ugly. We need to rise above. And believe in ourselves. And believe in the power we have because of our Creator.
And somehow, I am making it. Somehow, I know that God is still in control. I am learning to live in these circumstances. I am learning to dance in the rain.