All I know is that I don't want to live another year like I am living now. It's not that I hate my life. I actually enjoy it a lot, for the most part.
But I want to get out there and live my adventure. You only live once. This is my only chance. I only get one shot to live my life right. And I want to get out there and do something great, and live something crazy.
I want to get out and start my adventure. But at the same time, I am extremely scared. I'm scared I'm not going to be good enough. And I'm scared of what other people think. I'm scared to make the first move. I'm scared to leave my family and my church. I'm scared I'm going to fail. I'm scared of what may happen after I make the first move. I'm scared of who I will become.
And that last statement maybe scares me the most.
Because I like my life. I love who I am. I have come to embrace my flaws, and understand why I am who I am, and how I function. And I love that I know so much about who I am. But if I change so much, it will never be the same.
I have to ask myself, am I willing to take the risks?